Friday 18 October 2019

Habits of Highly Clean Environment


Before I go on to discuss this topic, I as usual have a question in mind. What is the most essential element we need to survive? Is it the air? Is it the Water? Definitely its not fire too? Forests are out of the topic as we are killing them? So What is it? Just think people!

Once upon a Time there was a German Chemist Hans Von Pechmann who discovered something accidentally. The moment I hear some discovery done accidentally, Great Scientists come to my mind. The only difference with Newton and Hans is that the former is still famous and if we talk about Hans we use his discovery day in and day out but we fail to appreciate him for his accidental discovery! By the way we also had an Accidental Prime Minister in our Country. So I guess Good things happen accidentally. Till now it looks like so.

But what did Hans Discover ? But his discovery met with another accident but this time by some Eric Fawcett and Reginald Gibson. They and some other people catalyzed the discovery and found a substance which is indispensable for our living. So quintessential that even after being aware of its dreadful impact we use it! No Friends its not Cigarette! Actually is not even that expensive. Infact this thing cannot be described in words as they would fall short. Well even I am not that accomplished to talk about it so here are some pictures:

Now we have our answers. Ohh Right I am talking about Platics!! This is what the 2nd Habit is about.

So now the obvious question. How? I know there have been some so called measures by Corporate Markets on prohibition on usage of Platic Carry Bags! That is how far we have gone. Only in Carry Bags!!!! I mean like are plastic found only in Carry Bags? People let me tell you This accidental invention IN ANY FORM is detrimental to the environment. This is such a miraculous invention that till date nothing can decompose this material. It will stay in the soil for hundreds of years without getting decomposed  and hinder the life beyond the soil too. 

These material comes in many forms. After using so much of plastic in real day life who would know better about plastic than us? By the way do you know who invented plastic? Of all forms of plastic the I find the straws most irritating. Like why do we use them? We can use our mouth optimally? No? Or has the polluted air forced to keep our mouth shut. So shut that we shy away from talking about real issues of the environment! These plastics are only cheap in monetary terms my friends but our surroundings have to pay a very heavy price for this! Environment should be the new currency! Can we adopt it? Sound like lol ..... What am I talking about? But hey people think practically.

This is reality and no hero will come one day and eliminate all the wastes and pollution overnight. We should start the best practices as soon as possible! It takes time and patience to do anything and it's a Herculean Task ahead of us. I can go on and on and talk about this topic of pollution and plastic but I just have a single message to convey! Hey friends, Will you help by adopting this Habit? A small change can have a big impact! In this selfish world I am not asking anyone for a favour but to just give what is due to someone. We save the earth and all of us survive! Tum b jiyo aur humko bhi jine do !

Thursday 17 October 2019

A Pause for a Financial Future


Hello, Everyone Hope All of you are doing well. I have almost completed finishing Habit No.2 for "7 Habits of Highly Healthy Environment. But before posting the same I would like to take a  break from the topic  and discuss the other part of my blog which is equally important- Financial Environment.

We the people have become very insensitive. We hardly feel for anything be it for  environment or fellow human being and so Environment is out of the question! We dont understand anything unless we face similar situation. But why have we become so?

In my country Money in Banks are considered more important than women! Did you get my point? The safest place to park your money is Banks , obviously if its legal. Its considered safe as people of the country have a notion that the same is backed by the government. But is it so? A middle class person works his entire life and saves his money in bank. Bossiness people take loans vide Banks. But have you people thought about the following questions?
    What will happen if all the Cash from the Bank is Stolen?
     What will happen if Banks themselves do not have adequate Money?
      What will happen if the Bank goes Bankrupt?

If I would have asked the last question just 3 years back, people would call me crazy and for the former 2 questions "Sarkar hai na". Actually all the 3 questions is one but just presentation is different. Isnt it? Read the question once more!

Banks receive money from the citizens and the amount received is advanced as loans to the borrower (that too against a collateral) on which banks earn interest. This is the simple business banks do. In the latest happening in my country A bank has indeed become bankrupt. So what now? What will the bank do now? How will it return the money to the depositers? Will they return or not? Will people be able to withdraw their money or not? If yes how much? Yes people Then The Central Bank came to the people's rescue saying that deposit limit is 1000 for 6 months! The Limits were further revised and today it stands at 40k for 6 months. Suppose Mr Serious has an account in that bank and has 10 lakhs in it and suddenly he  sees that one of your family gets diagnosed with some diseases the treatment of which will require half a million. So what do will he  do now?  He somehow borrows money from his friends and relatives and says that he would return the money as soon as the situation in the Bank improves. But the very next day he came to know about DICGC Clause which states that in case of Bankruptcy , The Bank's Liability is limited to 1 lakh.? So what Will he do now? Can you imagine his situation as he gets this news when he is in hospital? Can the insensitive decision makers understand how important money is for the people? You have money but cant use it? Why? Because that's your fault? People are dying to get their money out. But who cares? A person had 90 lakh in the Account with that Bank. His son used to be ill frequently. Can we imagine his situation or Can anyone? Another person needed money for his daughter's wedding. What about him?

Do we realize the gravity of the situation? Do the people running the country realize? Some people ask what's the solution. Solution is - Change the DICGC law. The DICGC insures depositers amount upto 1 lakh. The question is why cant this limit be increased? Has it not been done in the past? Let me take you through. The Limit was 5000 in 1968 and 1,00,000 in 1993( with multiple upgrades in between )and since that the limit has not changed? Is the Value of 1,00,000 in 1993 and 2019 the same? Why has the limit been not increased in 26 years? Who is at fault here? Obvioulsy "We"We should have told them earlier!! Isnt it? The Bank which went Bankrupt had an NPA of 4% last year. Everything seemed normal. But all of a sudden 80% of its Loan became NPA. Like who audited these banks? Do NPAs come out all of a sudden out of no where? NPAs are not a new issue now most of the banks are under NPA stress but what if situation like these sprout? What should the citizens do?
And why are we talking about this DICGC law now? Didnt we know it? I guess many of us didn't know it.? Those thinking we should know it... Do you know and follow each law of the country?  I would be very glad if the answer is affirmative! Knowledge is gained by sharing with people not by hoarding in brain!!

I know nothing changes even after this.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

7 Habits of Highly Healthy Environment

                               HABIT NO. 1

Hi, Stephen Sir , Just a small Twist to the title of your book . I am very pessimistic about the fact if I would be able to achieve even 0.00001% of your reach! 

I have been talking throughout about the habits we can implement in our day to day life! Here is a simple article to suggest you some ways to help to preserve and conserve our environment:

1. Reducing Vehicle Usage and Walking: Having a Car is not a sign of Success and neither Walking is a sign of poverty. These days people have 2 wheeler and Cars hereinafter called "Vehicles" . These people seem very educated. But this is far from reality.! These people either do not know the traffic rules or some do not follow . Some who follow and use are no less. They are using it. Even for a small distance we use it  and it
also cause congestion. We wait in traffic for minutes but do not bother commuting by walking. People will Run in the Gym treadmill for 10's of km but when it comes to going next lane That's not possible. By the way these Gym goers are too fit , they take their vehicles along while to and fro. They also use Escalator provided. Damn they have strong legs! While I agree that time is a constraints for greater distance,  we have alternative source to travel. And please people don't talk about the Sunlight while we walk, because we have already destroyed the shade! 

By Avoiding These Vehicles we may give a new life to the environment. There will be reduced carbon dioxide emissions which in turn will help to control the surface temperature. This in turn will increase the longevity of the glaciers . And due to reduced  emission of the gases  we will have lesser air pollution leading to lesser lung related diseases. And yes some people will say they use car so that trees can take their Carbon dioxide  in and convert it to oxygen? Like honestly are you people serious? Where are the trees? First Plant them! Less Vehicles will mean less traffic and less traffic will again mean a better environment. Lesser vehicles will mean lesser EMIs for the middle class which means they will have greater purchasing power and that in turn will foster consumption and GDP. Also there Petrol and Diesel Vehicles will give way to Electric Vehicles. So there is not even a future prospect will these vehicles. Auto Sector in the Economy is already in the Slowdown Mode. Do we need more reasons?

 By walking we can keep ourselves  healthy.  If everyone starts walking we may even find some time to do away with gadgets and admire  the environment.
For people lazy enough to find the benefits of walking , this is for you!

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

I have also heard it's helps is reducing belly fat and weight too. So why not start it as soon as possible! You will save a lot of money! And for those who think Time is more important than money! Let me just remind you that we have just 10 years to survive. Everybody has 10 years if we go as per the current trend!

Also by using less of Oils , if we do, hopefully our future generations will also be able to use them! We can start with one day a week. We can bring a change by changing this one habit! But the question is Why will we do? We have purchased the vehicles with our hard earned money! We have purchased it for our convenience.! Why shall we compromise?

WE ARE ALREADY COMPROMISING IN AIR QUALITY PEOPLE! We are endangering our lives. We are going to murder ourselves! The day is not far! Objections and Criticism are welcome.

Dream Big But Hope No More

I Have A Dream!!

Yes Rashmiji I have just copied your title. All of of us have a dream but obviously we don't like day dreaming 🤪. We work hard and toil each day to make our dream come true but what if somebody comes between our dreams? What will you do? To make the answer simple what do you do when someone comes in between your way? We have to do exactly that? But will we? Even if we do we are sure to get arrested. Isn't it?
We consume news daily  so we must be aware of the recent happenings. One day Arrest for a middle class type person means ? I guess you will know better. But that's not we want to even talk about.
I want to ask you people what do you when someone comes in your way? A plain simple question. A plain simple Answer is all what I want? Our Cinema Houses have the best answers for this. Can we try it out here? "Jo b raaste me ayga mitti m mil jayga" But frankly plastics don't!.

We humans go through a lot of emotions. Cinemas make us emotional. We show emotions when we succeed or need another chance! We show emotions when our dream gets fulfilled and we also show emotions when it doesn't. And it feels so awful that we could not realize our dreams because we did nothing wrong but we still couldn't. We feel injustice has been done to us!

Recently in Delhi a 27 yo non-smoker was diagnosed with Stage -4 Lung Cancer. What was the fault of that person? He breathe the polluted air of the city? Actually it was his fault , he should have purchased an oxygen mask. Expect him no one was at fault! But due to his negligence he has to incurr exhorbitant bills of the hospital. He is unable to travel to workplace due to medical issues . He has a wife and small daughter. I mean he must have had some dreams? No? What about that now? He will not even die a natural death. The hospital bills won't allow him to have one . But we won't understand until this problem gets to us.

Like I told in my earlier posts once we catch fever we go to the doctor. People will be people you  know! But I want accountability here. Who is responsible for that person's condition. No people I don't even know him! But I just want to prevent these things . "Prevention is better than cure" . Smoking may have been banned in public places but pollution is still there my friends! We can always choose to ignore it. Today someone's dream is getting over! We can well understand what can happen tomorrow? Isn't it?

And for people who like living and enjoying the present I am sure you must have insured yourself? Like for what? If something will happen tommorow then your dear ones will get money? Hey I thought you weren't concerned about the future?
 I would just like to complete the circle by saying. People if we keep polluting and endangering our environment there is no future. Not even 10 years from now! And you know what I have many dreams for the future which I have seen with my parents. Even I want to fulfill them but you know what ,someone in my way who will prevent me from achieving my dreams? What's my fault fellas? You tell me what should I do to those people who are coming in the way? Who are you to take my dreams away from me?

Saturday 12 October 2019

Living in the Present Environment


In my last article I had a discussion about Looking towards the future and its consequences. But in today's world only presenting or making aware of a problem is a grave crime. We have to present the solution also. We all are busy with our lives so much that now even we are presented with a solution some people will hardly care, some will understand and gain knowledge  but not apply. There is no point of understanding if we are not going to apply.

The best time to save the Environment is TODAY! So now the question is What can we do today to Preserve our Environment? The answer lies in our habits. It's no rocket science to give an answer to these questions. We all know right? We browse through the social media and get various videos and articles just like this one. But still we choose to ignore and yes we have the right . "It's my life I can live the way I want to". To all those who think this way.. Remember the Advertisement of Cigerrate and why it is banned in public places? Do you remember the reason? I hope you have your answers. And I thought " IT WAS OUR PLANET" . Like wise There are many excuses to shy away. 

There is proverb "Prevention is better than cure". But I guess most of us first catch fever or wait for something to alarm us  and then go to a doctor, then spend money and normality is restored. In case of our environment we don't even have a doctor and the possibility of a normality looks too bleak! Like what would you do if you didn't have a doctor? Wont you take all measures to prevent fever from occurring and even if it occurs wont we devise a method to look for a solution for the same? That is exactly what I meant in the first line of the para.

There are many ways we can bring a change and the best part is that we would be saving a lot of money also by enjoying these practices if not now but certainly in the future. There are many measures but here are some of them:

1. By Killing Trees: We will have more space to make buildings, houses, factories. Ideal for those who live UV rays. They can welcome them on the ground! And its so simple!
2. Using More of Modern Equipment such as Vehicles, AC: Our earth will   have warm temperature. Ideal for those who hate Winters
3.Laying Impermeable Layers on Natural Land: We will have no water shortages due to this . Very Ideal for those who love water. 

These are just some. I have many more but if I start discussing the same it would go on and on.

So we can just see by following these practices we can reduce Water Crisis, We can enjoy summers and also run businesses with profit? 
P.S. I would also like to know the value of a land if the same is fully submerged under 6-7 feet water? Like whats the cost of land in an ocean, river , or lake.   

We can make a change by changing our habits starting from one day per week. But do we want? The irony in the article is not due to any emotion but the fact that we ignore if said in simple terms. Even this will be ignored by many but  I am very optimistic about the one who is currently reading . Bring A Change! Its HIGH TIME. 
So what are the daily habits you can change? Do let me know in the comments section!

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Looking towards Environmental Inclusion


All of us dream something big and in this pursuit we work hard each day in the hope for a better future. Some people say live the present and not focus on the future or Enjoy the day now . It's just the perceptions of various people based on their own life and experiences.

The former category of people do future planning in terms of insurance and investment. They invest in Mutual Fund, Share markets, Bond Market and in many cases start something on their own in expectation of a reasonable return which in many case is not immediate. We invest the money now with an expectation to have a return in the future. But we must have heard that future is uncertain.

What if there is no future at all. What happens to the money we are investing. It seems a very hypothetical statement. But if you look around you may find the answers. Look around the environment and feel the changes. Do you really think the situation is same as it was 10 years ago! The situation in the environment has just worsened. Is Climate Change not real? But are we concerned? No we just want to have our future secured! 

But how? By maintaining status quo and wait for nature and environment to take a toll on us one fine day. That fine day will come sooner than expected. And once these environmental crisis, which has already begun, comes to its advanced Phase , the economies of developed and developing countries will start collapsing. And once the economy starts collapsing we can imagine what will the condition of the financial and capital markets will be.  We would just be begging to get our own money back that too with minimal erosion. Our houses will be beneath the water levels and would be looking for places to store liquid cash. We would have some money saved from earlier  years but we would not want to live. Is this the future we are living for? We want our children to have a good future but hardly do we realize we are slowly destroying it. I wonder if they would even get proper drinking water.
And to all those who made some long term planning what will happen to your money? It's time we invest in the environment . It's time we make a short term planning for our environment. It's not time my dear friends , It's HIGH TIME. Definitely we need to plan for the future but we need to change the direction of our planning as nothing happens overnight.

The most obvious question that comes to everyone's mind is:
 " Sirf Ek k karne se kya fark padta hai


" Ek ek k karne se bahut fark padta hai"

aur in dono line m line me sirf " EK" ka hi fark hai!

One person trying to save the planet is one less trying to destroy it.