Saturday 12 October 2019

Living in the Present Environment


In my last article I had a discussion about Looking towards the future and its consequences. But in today's world only presenting or making aware of a problem is a grave crime. We have to present the solution also. We all are busy with our lives so much that now even we are presented with a solution some people will hardly care, some will understand and gain knowledge  but not apply. There is no point of understanding if we are not going to apply.

The best time to save the Environment is TODAY! So now the question is What can we do today to Preserve our Environment? The answer lies in our habits. It's no rocket science to give an answer to these questions. We all know right? We browse through the social media and get various videos and articles just like this one. But still we choose to ignore and yes we have the right . "It's my life I can live the way I want to". To all those who think this way.. Remember the Advertisement of Cigerrate and why it is banned in public places? Do you remember the reason? I hope you have your answers. And I thought " IT WAS OUR PLANET" . Like wise There are many excuses to shy away. 

There is proverb "Prevention is better than cure". But I guess most of us first catch fever or wait for something to alarm us  and then go to a doctor, then spend money and normality is restored. In case of our environment we don't even have a doctor and the possibility of a normality looks too bleak! Like what would you do if you didn't have a doctor? Wont you take all measures to prevent fever from occurring and even if it occurs wont we devise a method to look for a solution for the same? That is exactly what I meant in the first line of the para.

There are many ways we can bring a change and the best part is that we would be saving a lot of money also by enjoying these practices if not now but certainly in the future. There are many measures but here are some of them:

1. By Killing Trees: We will have more space to make buildings, houses, factories. Ideal for those who live UV rays. They can welcome them on the ground! And its so simple!
2. Using More of Modern Equipment such as Vehicles, AC: Our earth will   have warm temperature. Ideal for those who hate Winters
3.Laying Impermeable Layers on Natural Land: We will have no water shortages due to this . Very Ideal for those who love water. 

These are just some. I have many more but if I start discussing the same it would go on and on.

So we can just see by following these practices we can reduce Water Crisis, We can enjoy summers and also run businesses with profit? 
P.S. I would also like to know the value of a land if the same is fully submerged under 6-7 feet water? Like whats the cost of land in an ocean, river , or lake.   

We can make a change by changing our habits starting from one day per week. But do we want? The irony in the article is not due to any emotion but the fact that we ignore if said in simple terms. Even this will be ignored by many but  I am very optimistic about the one who is currently reading . Bring A Change! Its HIGH TIME. 
So what are the daily habits you can change? Do let me know in the comments section!


  1. Great article.Not using plastics bags is one of the Habit which I am changing.
