Tuesday 15 October 2019

7 Habits of Highly Healthy Environment

                               HABIT NO. 1

Hi, Stephen Sir , Just a small Twist to the title of your book . I am very pessimistic about the fact if I would be able to achieve even 0.00001% of your reach! 

I have been talking throughout about the habits we can implement in our day to day life! Here is a simple article to suggest you some ways to help to preserve and conserve our environment:

1. Reducing Vehicle Usage and Walking: Having a Car is not a sign of Success and neither Walking is a sign of poverty. These days people have 2 wheeler and Cars hereinafter called "Vehicles" . These people seem very educated. But this is far from reality.! These people either do not know the traffic rules or some do not follow . Some who follow and use are no less. They are using it. Even for a small distance we use it  and it
also cause congestion. We wait in traffic for minutes but do not bother commuting by walking. People will Run in the Gym treadmill for 10's of km but when it comes to going next lane That's not possible. By the way these Gym goers are too fit , they take their vehicles along while to and fro. They also use Escalator provided. Damn they have strong legs! While I agree that time is a constraints for greater distance,  we have alternative source to travel. And please people don't talk about the Sunlight while we walk, because we have already destroyed the shade! 

By Avoiding These Vehicles we may give a new life to the environment. There will be reduced carbon dioxide emissions which in turn will help to control the surface temperature. This in turn will increase the longevity of the glaciers . And due to reduced  emission of the gases  we will have lesser air pollution leading to lesser lung related diseases. And yes some people will say they use car so that trees can take their Carbon dioxide  in and convert it to oxygen? Like honestly are you people serious? Where are the trees? First Plant them! Less Vehicles will mean less traffic and less traffic will again mean a better environment. Lesser vehicles will mean lesser EMIs for the middle class which means they will have greater purchasing power and that in turn will foster consumption and GDP. Also there Petrol and Diesel Vehicles will give way to Electric Vehicles. So there is not even a future prospect will these vehicles. Auto Sector in the Economy is already in the Slowdown Mode. Do we need more reasons?

 By walking we can keep ourselves  healthy.  If everyone starts walking we may even find some time to do away with gadgets and admire  the environment.
For people lazy enough to find the benefits of walking , this is for you!

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

I have also heard it's helps is reducing belly fat and weight too. So why not start it as soon as possible! You will save a lot of money! And for those who think Time is more important than money! Let me just remind you that we have just 10 years to survive. Everybody has 10 years if we go as per the current trend!

Also by using less of Oils , if we do, hopefully our future generations will also be able to use them! We can start with one day a week. We can bring a change by changing this one habit! But the question is Why will we do? We have purchased the vehicles with our hard earned money! We have purchased it for our convenience.! Why shall we compromise?

WE ARE ALREADY COMPROMISING IN AIR QUALITY PEOPLE! We are endangering our lives. We are going to murder ourselves! The day is not far! Objections and Criticism are welcome.

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